Cowen Group Blog - Litigation Support Staffing & Consulting

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Process Trumps Technology

In 2006, firms with lit support commitments are beginning to address "process". Not because process is the new-new thing -- but precisely because it's not.

Fancy new legal tech products and services have been grabbing headlines recently, partly in answer to the EDD tsunami that has swamped some unsuspecting firms. And the effect has been temporarily daunting to the traditional practice of law. But in lawyer-client relationships, the process is the product. And the process has not changed.

We're already starting to see the novelty of cyber-tech bells and whistles give way to the appropriate function of technology -- i.e., in support of lawyers practicing law. Legal tech product is still only as good as the data input, the talent to execute, and the rich process of the lawyer-client relationship. Still, on a busy day, the urgency for new-new legal tech solutions can seem like a tsunami at the door, pinning partners to their favorite paper filing systems for dear life.

Listen up counsel. This wave is your friend. EDD is here to help -- but it has to be tamed. You need legal technology, and the talent to tame the legal tech product that lets you get on with the process.
You need lit support. That's what we're here for.


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