Cowen Group Blog - Litigation Support Staffing & Consulting

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Fortune 500 Go Shopping:

Chapter 2

Large corporations have been getting some frustrating legal advice lately, and paying for it dearly, in budget overruns, legal sanctions and worse. Now the Fortune 500 are getting into the driver's seat. They're going shopping for legal services they can really use in a digital world, at prices that will keep them coming back. Legal tech vendors nMatrix, ZANTAZ et al now offer products that corporations are buying and taking home, reclaiming in-house control of EDD in complex litigation matters like class actions and patent litigation (can you spell MDL?). It's an accelerating trend, and power corporations Pfizer, Citigroup and Johnson & Johnson are leading the way.

If you're a litigation support professional, this is good news for you. Because when corporate shoppers get their shiny new solutions home, they still need experienced lit support professionals to put it all together. So the Fortune 500 are also shopping for you.

But that's only the half of it. Outside counsel now has to deliver lit support skills and experience to serve the rapidly changing needs of established clients. But venerable firms that have served Fortune 500 companies for the last century or so don't yet have your skills on hand. So law firms are shopping for you too.

If you're a lit support pro, in-house or outside, this trend is your seller's market.
Next week, Chapter 3. "The Fortune 500 Go Shopping: Everybody Wins"


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